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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holy Week

Hello my dear readers! I know there are only few of you but I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for having time reading my post.  I may not sound as good as those professional bloggers but I assure you that what you read here are purely from my heart. So thank you so much!

As you can see summer is officially here! This week, we are commemorating the passion of Christ, the great love He offer to us by dying on the cross to save us from all our sins. I hope we all spend this week more meaningful than ever.  It would be fine if we spend some of our time by doing community services, attending some church activities and the like, sharing our blessings to others and of course having time to meditate and evaluate or examine ourselves on how we are doing as a Christian.  I have noticed that during holy week, most of us spend their time taking vacations like at the beaches, provinces, out of the country and many more.  We almost forgot the true meaning of Holy Week.  Way back in our province when I was still young. I still remember how we celebrated Holy Week.  It is really a week of prayers, self-meditation, doing community and church services and other significant activities.  We can only celebrate or have fun in the beach during Easter Sunday. Well, yes many would say that its an old practice but for me its not only a practice or a tradition, its one way of showing respect and love for God.  Its a way of giving thanks to Him for His greatness and for loving us unconditionally. 

I hope some of you will find time to spend their time with Jesus even just for this week.

Have a blessed day ahead!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Everyday is a Blessing from God

Hi there readers! Sorry for this super late post.  I don't know how will I explain it to all of you but the past months has been a great struggle for me.  I don't know if we can call it depression syndrome but what I'm sure that I am not really that  fine right now.  If you will noticed in my previous post I always talk about lifes struggles, trials and surviving.  Most of the time I tend to be okay and  fine but deep inside my problems are lot bigger than I am. It all started when I lost my job.  Everything went wrong and my family also experience a sudden changes in our lives. It's a bit different if you already have your own family. It breaks my heart to see that I could no longer give my child her needs and wants.  But I know in my part I really did my best to be able to recover fast from our sudden fall but opportunity has not yet come my way.  I always pray and ask help and forgiveness from our God and I know even if my prayers has not yet been answered I still believe that He listen to me because of the unseen miracles that is happening in our everyday life.  Sometimes we never noticed the small blessings that God is giving to us because we only focus our minds to the great things that we are asking from Him.  So because of that I realized that I should always be thankful to God no matter what trials and sufferings life may brought me.  God has great plans for us no matter how big our problems and trials right now.  I need to be more patient and continue to be a blessing to others.  God has His own perfect time for us.  These are the reason why I am still holding on to His promises and was able to survive my everyday struggles in life. God is really good.

Stay happy and always be positive. God loves us.

:) joy